PFAS Testing
After nearly a year long process of research and development, Complete Environmental Testing is excited to announce CT Certification for PFAS in several different unique matrices with ultra low reporting limits.
We have diligently researched laboratory equipment and made a significant investment in the future with our newest addition of an LC/MS/MS instrument that will ensure that we will be able to achieve much lower detection limits than the current regulatory limits.
We look forward to handling all your analytical needs with the constantly changing environmental landscape.

Xevo TQ-XS Triple Quadrupole Mass Spec
EPA 537.1
EPA 533
EPA 1633
EPA 537.1 Modified with Isotopic Dilution
ASTM D7968
ASTM D7979
EPA 8327
Promochrom SPE-03
Fully automated Solid Phase Extractor​
Can extract 8 samples in 80 min